Thursday, 18 June, 2015

Culturally we relate the stones with something negative. "Tripping twice with the same stone", "throwing stones at your roof"... But the truth is that the stones are the children of Mother Earth, and as such, they are loaded with its energy. In many cultures, the stones are considered sacred objects and even to pray. At the same time, they can represent many symbols in the inner own life.
Every Sunday the Agro-Craft Market brings you the energy of stones! With them you can design your unique talisman. Choose the amulet to let positive energy invade your life!

With stones of our beautiful beaches, you can take home a piece of oasis that is Fuerteventura. Take your time and sit down! In a cozy and intimate atmosphere, you will be able to connect with the energy of your elements of power and you will be able to choose the stone that transmits you good vibrations. Or will it choose you?
It doesn’t have to be a pretty or striking stone. What really matters is what you feel when you hold it in your hand. If you notice something different, or something you have not perceived holding other stones, it’s that you already have yours. That will be your amulet stone!
The second important step is to tune the color you transmit force. Among the wide variety available, and talismans you can choose colors that you feel most identified. Finally, you can type in your unique and full of positive energy amulet, that word which most inspires you in the "Canarius Abecedarius", the Aboriginal alphabet which were used by the first tribes that inhabited our islands. Your name, an emotion, a goal... You have to choose the word which is going to accompany you in your daily life!

At the same time that you put your bracelet you will notice the force of the sea, the sun's energy, wind power, the charm of the moon and the magic of the stars. All that will inspire you and fill you with positivity. It’s an inimitable sense!
Every Sunday our stall awaits you full of magic talismans of Fuerteventura for you to bring the best amulet for yourself or your loved ones. A special and at the same time personal gift, and designed by yourself!
Jeden Sonntag wartet auf dich unser Talismanstand voll mit Magie aus Fuerteventura damit du dir oder deinen Geliebten das beste Amulett mitnehmen kannst. Ein spezielles und persönliches Geschenk und von dir designt!