Saturday, 10 October, 2015

Do you know the pomegrenade? This delicious fruit has been used as medicine by many civilizations, and is also described as a religious symbol of fertility in different mythologies and religions.
But where is the secret?
Probably due to the important properties they have. It's a natural antioxidant that helps to ensure unquestionable integrity of cellular structures of the body. It also helps to improve inflammatory processes, prevents the development of some cancers, helps to prevent arteriosclerosis and metabolic diseases, and enhances fertility. Have you ever thought in a better fruit?
Its delicious taste and low sugar content makes it an ideal fruit which get a refreshing and healthy juice. Try it every Sunday at the Agro-Craft Market! Without any additives, artificial colors or added sugars, this delicious pomegrenade juice offers an attractive appearance as well.
But best of all is that 200 ml of juice are equivalent to 800 grams of fresh Granada. And you save having to peel and process it at home!
You cannot leave our Agro-Craft Market without trying these delicious and unique in the world of Granada juices 100% natural.